
20, 0000

Eligible Voters at a time

we create an election for your school or organization in seconds. Your voters can vote from any location on any device.

Our Success Rates
Create the Ballot
Add a photo name of Aspirants 99%
Add Voters
You control who is eligible to vote in your elections 100%
Monitor Results
Watch the results of your election in real-time 98.9%

Secure, Cloud-based Elections

Secure Voting

Each voter has a unique "Voter ID" and "Voter Key" and can only vote once or Sign-in with email and Password to your Link

Mobile Ready

Elections are optimized for desktop and mobile devices. Voters can vote from a web browser or our iOS & Android apps.

Email Ballots

Provide an optional email address for your voters and we'll notify them when your election launches. Only Registered emails can vote.


The voting application targets Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 AA compliance.

Results View

Election results are automatically calculated and presented with beautiful charts.

Amazing Support

Have a question? Need help? Our support team averages a response time of 3 minutes during voting